Tuesday, August 30, 2005

baby had babies!

basically thats what happened in the dream.my rabit baby had babies. This took place at my grannies house , she was there actually. Kevins dad was also there and he decided he wanted one. He asked me who the father was, i told him it was scruffy(which was a rabbit i had when i was 11ish, he died of a heart attack after the traumatising experience of being eyed up by a fox)and that was it really. The little babies were soooooo cute!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

not many dreams that i can remember...

....havn't been sleeping too well. Find that the only time i manage to properly get to sleep is just before my alarm goes off!!

vaugly remember having an argument with Kat in a dream, but all i recollect is her looking mad and saying no. Also there was some kind of random trip somewhere in the minibus and ali was driving but i went in kevins car and we are following the bus, except when i turn round ross is now driving and he turns off the road and i was getting scared cos i didn't know where we were going. Then i woke up.

woke up with this realllllly horrible cramp in my left calf muscle about 5 times in the last 2 nights....something is not right there!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

soap opera dreams!

is it possible to actually have like a sitcom type thing with your dreams. I seem to be having that. Obviously my dreams normally have me in them but for the past couple of nights my dreams have almost followed a storyline!

And they are all aout being at work! its like a crap not really funny version of the office! bizarre things happen though. For example, last night the cook and the kitchen porter were in the bathroom washing all the dishes. They informed me that this was because the sink in the kitchen wasn't working. I also managed to break the photocopier but thats normal enough, it wasnt like broken-broken, its just that every time i tried to photocopy something a blank piece of paper would come out.

also had a very nice snog! (yip as well as everything else its got romance too) im not saying who with...but it was lovely!! it wasn't a full on snog, just lots of lovely little kisses. mmm, its nice when dreams are nice!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

when dreams mearge into reality...

ever get that de ja vous feeling?

i had a dream last night that i was at work. Now i am at work!

although it has to be said that dream work was a lot more interesting...

Friday, August 19, 2005

a dream involving my dead grandmother...

havn't had a dream involving granny for a while, the last one was when i worked in an old peoples home and i had gone to work (in my dream) and my granny was in one of the lounges and she told me that they had given her a new identity and that she hadn't died of cancer and they had done some tests on her which cured it but they couldn't tell anyone yet. That was freaky cos i woke up and was like ...hmmm...maybe she isnt dead.

anyway last nights dream about her. to cut a long stort short antony and me moved into a flat in delhaig but this place lokked nothing like delhaig and we were given a list of things to report i.e screeching noises, radiation from the mirror and the smell of smoke(cant remember the rest). stephanie appeared by this point and she was sleeping but i could see what she was dreaming, she was being dragged in and out of a mirror by my granny and it was all green and weird. so i went through to get antony and he has just woken up from a nightmare and is shoutinmg at me not to let him go back to sleep. so we all go to the other room and sit on my bed, my granny walks in and sits down. I asked her why she was dragging steph in and out the mirror and she said that Steph was always nice to her face but horrible about her behind her back. then i woke up.

had a dream abut my grandad's friend rab too. He had a bunch of photo's of us as babies and growing up and kept showing me them at a bus stop. Them this big dinosaur thing comes down the street and everyone is running away and hannah and i go down this staircase which leads to a door that we open and the dinosaur thing has just passed and its sooking all these people up and then we see the back and its like a float from a parade and all the people are waving!

uh huh.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

a music school festival...

had a dream that the end of music school festival was at gorgie hall and the dtage was huge but for some reason the girls chorus was standing behind the curtain when we were singing. and it was awful, we were singing we preach christ only the verse wasnt actaully from that song at all and it was terrible, people were coming in at the wrong time and out of tune and for some reason the alto's had capes on!

we finished singing and kat walked on to the stage and said , its ok, people are saying its rubbish anyway so just enjoy it, then she walked over and said the same thing to the band and then i went out and came back in again with chocolate but dropped it on the floor!

Sunday, August 14, 2005


i have no idea how its spelled but last night my dream was about discombobulation. in my dream discombobulation was a process which involved separating a fossil from stone and putting it in boiling water!

the point...i dont know
my sanity...diminishing!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

have no time for dreaming!!

this week has been hectic... i have felt my dreamlife suffering as a result of truly crap sleep!!! can remember snippets about cleaning the stairs in our block of flats and then arranging a neighbours meeting, but the people i arranged it with werent even our neighbours.

and ive been having those weird annoying drems again whiich make me slightly crazy!!
they are horrid!!! il just be stirring something and thats is it for a long time, what kind of a dream is that. Was also separating eggs in one dream.

its like in real life when you are givin a boring repetative task to do and it makes you cranky, but you feel like you have been working in your sleep and cheated in some way!!!

im really tired at the moment!!!! i want my dreams back!!!!could have done with catching up on music school sleep before doing a mission week straight after.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


can only remember one dream from when i was away this week. I had a baby who turned into a toddler in like one minute! she had blonde curly hair and my face. weird eh?