a dream involving my dead grandmother...
havn't had a dream involving granny for a while, the last one was when i worked in an old peoples home and i had gone to work (in my dream) and my granny was in one of the lounges and she told me that they had given her a new identity and that she hadn't died of cancer and they had done some tests on her which cured it but they couldn't tell anyone yet. That was freaky cos i woke up and was like ...hmmm...maybe she isnt dead.
anyway last nights dream about her. to cut a long stort short antony and me moved into a flat in delhaig but this place lokked nothing like delhaig and we were given a list of things to report i.e screeching noises, radiation from the mirror and the smell of smoke(cant remember the rest). stephanie appeared by this point and she was sleeping but i could see what she was dreaming, she was being dragged in and out of a mirror by my granny and it was all green and weird. so i went through to get antony and he has just woken up from a nightmare and is shoutinmg at me not to let him go back to sleep. so we all go to the other room and sit on my bed, my granny walks in and sits down. I asked her why she was dragging steph in and out the mirror and she said that Steph was always nice to her face but horrible about her behind her back. then i woke up.
had a dream abut my grandad's friend rab too. He had a bunch of photo's of us as babies and growing up and kept showing me them at a bus stop. Them this big dinosaur thing comes down the street and everyone is running away and hannah and i go down this staircase which leads to a door that we open and the dinosaur thing has just passed and its sooking all these people up and then we see the back and its like a float from a parade and all the people are waving!
uh huh.
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