Wednesday, September 13, 2006

fancy drunk

um anneleen hannah and me were in armstrongs in the cowgate looking at dress up clothes. when we came out it was 7 pm and i realised i was 3 hours late for work :( i ran along the cowgate but wasnt really moving forward at all! i went in to sainsbury's (which doesnt exist in real life) to put credit on my phone but suddenly found that i was really drunk! the checkout woman asked me what my middle name was cos she didnt believe my card was mine. then pauline(person known from childhood) told me i should go home with her. i told her to shut up and left the shop. i woke up.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

sweet dreams

last night i had a nice dream!! it was a welcome change

it was random, i was at a school concert and they asked for a volunteer to play drums so i volunteered and they picked me!

but i couldnt find the drum sticks, so i was just kinda hitting stuff and laughing about it!

ross says that girls cant play drums! whatever!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

to do...

...stop forgetting to write dreams on blog.