Monday, February 13, 2006

vividness is very cool!

been having really vivid bizarro dreams. Was on a plane to canada. Except canada wasnt canada it was this weird island place and when we flew over the land the plain disappeared from around us and we were freefalling to the ground. I was attached to my mum. There were big trampolines that we were meant to land on but we were off course and landed on the ground, but without any sort of force and just wandered around to meet up with everyone. Tom got lost. He wasnt attached to anyone and got off course in the sky. I woke up before we found him.

Last nights dream was also strange. About a big house, which at one point was on fire and i kept falling through the floor boards until i manage to get outside. Although when i did the house was restored to its perfect form. I was with this guy who im sure i dont know, he was just a random guy, maybe a saw him on telly once or something. Anyway he was trying to discover what was going on because the house had a secret. We went back in and ended up in a massive greenhouse type room with a huge fish pond....turned out that the fish pond was an illusion and now where the fish were the whole floor was covered in dvd cases and when we moved them we found files and under them there was a room, a library and an old woman was sitting in a chair. There was gold coins in various places and a little boy who had now replaces the random guy was putting gold coins in his pocket but the old woman kept staring at him. ...something exciting might have happened next if i didnt get a text message (in the real world) and wake up.


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